Holy Joys Podcast

Sermon Talk: The Peace of Easter and Four Marks of the Church at Pentecost

May 17, 2021 Johnathan Arnold
Holy Joys Podcast
Sermon Talk: The Peace of Easter and Four Marks of the Church at Pentecost
Show Notes

Quotes from David Fry:

  • If I am not in a series and I do not have a particular sermon that I want to preach, I always default to one of the lectionary readings for my Sunday preaching. I follow the Revised Common Lectionary.
  • We live at peace because on the third day He rose from the dead and with the same body in which He suffered, He arose, and He ascended.
  • Saints of God, we have peace because Jesus has overcome the world.
  • What truth am I avoiding in order to give myself a false sense of peace? Isolating myself, stonewalling, avoiding someone—that's not peacemaking. That may just be flight.
  • What am I willing to suffer for the sake of peace? We need a more robust theology of Christian suffering.

Quotes from Johnathan Arnold:

  • The Spirit comes as the one who represents the risen Christ and fulfills Christ's promises to build the church and to be our comforter.
  • The Spirit of the risen Christ creates the Church.
  • The four marks of the church (one, holy, catholic, apostolic) are present at Pentecost.
  • The Sunday sermon is not just a time to give people a nugget to get through to the next week. It is an opportunity to develop the church's theological thinking.

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